Bluebell Mini Sessions 2022

Great Outdoors

Every year I get so nervous about my bluebell sessions – will the weather hold, will my clients find my spot in the woods? But this year was another dream bluebell season and I think the flowers were their best yet! It was so wonderful to see people’s reactions to the bluebell wood and it’s sea of purple.

I had a great mix of returning families, friends and referrals and everyone was genuinely so lovely. Lots of giggles and silliness with siblings, mums and dads and cousins! I even had the pleasure of meeting four dogs this year too and I love seeing how much a part of the family they are.

It was my second year using my bluebell spot – it’s a quiet area with winding paths so I can make it look like my families are in amongst the flowers. Bluebells are a protected species and trampling on them can damage them long term so my clients and I never walk on them.

Here’s a little selection of my favourite images from this year, starting with my own boys, because I love capturing them grow and keeping track of Brock’s gappy smile!

1 Comment

  1. Ashleigh

    How much is the bluebell photoshoot please.


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